Viewpoint - May 2024


-Presidential Address

TPI's Spring Celebration

-The Executive Perspective

Stipend Program for Staff Therapists

"Engaging the Mystical"

Spring Symposium: Stories of War, Trauma, and Overcoming

-In Memoriam: Linda Shapiro

-Board and Committee News

-Upcoming Events and Happenings


Presidential Address

From Kyra Peyton, TPI President

Follow Links for More Information


Celebrate Spring at TPI’s Spring Celebration; Join us on June 1st and 2nd  

As we embrace the beauty of the Spring season, I am filled with gratitude for the warmth and support of our TPI family. We have journeyed through the challenges and triumphs of the past winter months. As the vibrant hues of Spring blossom around us, we are reminded of the beauty of renewal and the promise of new beginnings. Let's embrace the opportunities that Spring brings to connect, grow, and inspire one another.  

A wonderful way to connect is before us this weekend at TPI’s Spring Celebration Weekend. Over the past weeks, renovations at the Institute have been underway. The waiting areas have been opened to afford a more open contemporary feel; the public areas have been refreshed up with fresh paint, and the Staff Lounge has gotten a complete facelift. All of this to prepare for the hanging of the “Engaging the Mystical” exhibit, featuring the paintings of American painter, Jesse Reichek. Join your TPI family this Saturday and Sunday, June 1st and 2nd, for the exhibit’s opening receptions and gallery talks by the painter’s widow, Laure Reichek, as we delve into the intersection of art and spirituality. 

Also join us this Sunday afternoon, June 2nd for TPI’s Spring Celebration Garden Party and Annual Meeting. At the party, we will enjoy an afternoon with our fellow TPI members, welcome our family friends and colleagues, and toast the Institute’s accomplishments over this year and its impact on our community. Executive Director, Jim Brandt, has been spending the weekends preparing his garden for this event and is excited to welcome us all. 

I look forward to celebrating with many of you this weekend!

Best wishes,


The Executive Perspective 

from James Brandt, Executive Director

Follow Links for More Information

 PTP Stipend Program for Staff Therapists 

After much deliberation and consultation with TPI committees, faculty, and Staff Therapists, the TPI Board of Directors and the Leadership Committee endorsed a Stipend Program for Staff Therapists enrolled in the Institute’s Psychotherapy Training Program.  

Beginning this September, Post-graduate Staff Therapists will receive an annual stipend of $3,000; Pre-Graduate Staff Therapists will receive $1000. While this is a fraction of appropriate compensation, the stipend is intended as a small honorarium to help staff therapists with basic expenses and a tangible way for the Institute to provide support and show appreciation. 

The move, sought by some Institute leaders as long overdue, places TPI in line with similar training programs. We expect that the stipend will positively impact program recruitment and retention. As always, if you have questions or would like more information on the Stipend Program, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

“Engaging the Mystical”: the Work of American Painter, Jesse Reichek (1916 – 2005) 

This Sunday, June 1st and 2nd, TPI and the Creators’ Equity Foundation will host opening receptions for “Engaging the Mystical”: The Work of American Painter, Jesse Reichek (1916-2005). Join us for the exhibit and a first look at the new waiting areas and staff lounge. Through this collaboration of TPI and the Creators’ Equity Foundation, you are invited to experience Reichek’s paintings mounted in the Institute’s waiting areas and public spaces.   

Especially curated for TPI, “Engaging the Mystical” presents a small selection of Reichek’s series of paintings, the product of the painter’s engagement with mystical teachings and myths: the Kabbalah, the Song of Songs, and the myths of creation, paradise, and transcendence. Reichek’s work reflects a unique synthesis of painting and spirituality. In the history of modern art, Reichek offers a singular and extraordinary accomplishment.  

For over half a century, his work sought to express “the structure of process, the process of creation, and the creation of relationship.” Contained within each series of paintings are common and recognizable threads that connect the painter to the painting, the painting to the viewer, and the viewer to the transcendent spiritual themes that resulted from Reichek’s “engaging the mystical”.  


SPRING SYMPOSIUM- Saturday, June 22nd at 9:00 am 

Stories of War, Trauma, Survival and Overcoming 

Paula Kliger, PhD and Era A Loewenstein, PhD

We have an increasing awareness of the violence that is plaguing the world. Social and news media bring reports of death tolls, destruction, and wide-spread human suffering to our daily attention causing us continuing concern, anxiety, and trauma. The effects of the continuing flow of information and images of the devastating effects of war and inhumanity on the therapist, the client, the community challenge us as professionals, in our communities, and our families are considerable and depleting. 

To help us deepen our experience and traverse this global landscape, understand our triggers, and increase our capacity to respond, Era A. Loewenstein and Paula Christian Kliger will model bearing witness to on-going conflict and violence. Their teachings aim to help us to enhance our capacity to be in relationship with people from different racial, cultural, and political backgrounds during a time of considerable social fragmentation, adversity, and tribalism.

Paula and Era will each give a paper addressing these issues and engage participants in a creative psychoanalytic and personal discussion about cultural adversity and overcoming. The symposium is designed to help us hold space for our humanity and offer support to our families, clients, and communities.

The day-long symposium aims to help participants to be able to describe the essence of fascistic states of mind including their reliance on omnipotent thinking, simplistic ideologies, attack on truth, racism, and the need to invent enemies. Paula and Era’s presentation will focus on how the practice of psychoanalysis can be utilized as a form of steady, peaceful resistance to the destructive seduction of fascist states of mind. 

On the following Saturday morning, the DEI Committee is hosting “Being Together”. This TPI member-only gathering aims to provide a safe space to talk about our individual and communal experience of brutality, violence and trauma. The gathering will be facilitated by TPI Associate Director, Sandra Gaspar, Sandra Berger, and DEI Committee Chair, Eric Bottino.  

Every warm wish,  


In Memoriam: Linda Shapiro

It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of long-time supervisor and TPI member, Linda Shapiro. Linda died in the early morning of Friday, April 12, after battling cancer. Linda was involved at TPI for many years, as a beloved supervisor, committee member, and enthusiastic supporter of the Institute.  

Born and raised in the Bronx, Linda was a proud New Yorker, and loved reminiscing about her life before moving west. She had many stories; one she liked telling was that her dad was the inventor of the Easy-bake Oven. All who knew Linda were affected by her joyful, maternal warmth. Linda is survived by her husband Allen and her son Alex. Information regarding an upcoming memorial service will be shared as it becomes available. 

Linda will be greatly missed by all who know her. May her memory be a blessing. 

Board and Committee News

From the Board of Directors

Committee and Board Opportunities  

As the beginning of TPI’s fiscal year is quickly approaching we are now actively recruiting TPI members to serve on the Board and on select committees. As TPI is a volunteer-led organization, we are both proud and grateful for the ongoing service of our volunteers.

If you are ready to give back to TPI and would consider a taking volunteer position, please reach out to Coecillia Zazove, Board and Leadership Development Chair a


From the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Holmes Report Reading Group 

This Spring, the DEI Committee sponsored the Holmes Report Reading Group. The group met for seven session and used APA’s recently released Holmes Report as a springboard for discussing our own individual and shared racism. Group discussions focused on how we experience racism around us and inside ourselves. Creating a shared group process, the group worked on fostering community and trust with each other. Participants shared their vulnerabilities and learnings from moments when members felt marginalized in the group.  

In the final reflective session, the group asked how to enlarge the circle and share their learnings with the greater TPI community. All acknowledged the high cost of relinquishing certainty and making space for learning new things. (paraphrasing Stephen Jenkinson). 

Participants agreed that the Reading Group provided an incremental step toward building our TPI community and increasing understanding of the challenges in increasing diversity and inclusion. It was a great experience for all, but one that only scratched the surface, and serves as a reminder that the work of building a diverse, safe, and healthy community is never done. 

Introducing: Soulful Sundays 

The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is to serve TPI in the development of policy, program, and practice to address issues relating to race, culture, class, ableism, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. We lead the Institute in its effort to create and maintain a culture of belonging and inclusion.   

Toward this effort we are pleased to announce SOULFUL SUNDAYS, a new TPI program offered by the DEI Committee. These Sunday programs will help us to explore how different cultures gather, heal, and build trust and community. The programs will be focused on caring for the self and the collective and designed through the lens of cultural curiosity. Watch for announcements of upcoming Soulful Sunday gatherings. And we are looking for hidden talent. If you are interested in presenting or have a referral for someone who it, please reach out to DEI Chair, Eric Bottino at

From the Education Committee

Call for Proposals: Spring 2025 Classes 

As we are preparing our schedule for next Spring, the Education Committee is now calling for proposals. If you would like to teach at TPI next year, please reach out to Education Chair, Beth Pasqualina with your proposal or class ideas at


From the Development Committee

Spring Celebration Raffle 

As part of TPI’s Spring Celebration weekend, the Development Committee will be presenting a raffle. We have some great prizes and tickets will be available for purchase at the Spring Celebration. If you are not able to join us at the Spring Celebration this weekend, do not worry. Raffle tickets will be available online beginning next week. Look for the email announcing online raffle ticket purchases, and buy, buy, buy. The raffle will close on June 30th. Winning ticket holders will be announced on July 1st.  

From the Membership Committee

Call for Raffle Items 

 As a new TPI Board Member, and the new Chair of the Membership Committee, I would like to introduce myself and the Membership Committee to the TPI community. The mission of the Membership Committee is to recruit members to TPI and retain our existing members. In TPI’s recent history, this committee has been dormant, however we are breathing new life into it in the coming months. 

We will be introducing communications, programs, and events designed to serve our members and build our membership. One of the great values of TPI is this community of individuals living a similar professional experience. We will be introducing more opportunities for our community to connect throughout the year. I look forward to meeting you at these events.  

We are coming up on the time for annual memberships renewal. TPI continues to be a valued organization for the field and the greater community. We are a home for education, community support, and connection and we are grateful for the important support that your membership provides. Please look for the pcoming Membership Renewal Email and  make every effort to complete your membership renewal by June 30, 2024. 

To continue to provide value to our members, we need your help. We need ideas about what you value most about TPI, what we could do better, events or services we could offer that would be of value, and stories about meaningful outcomes of your TPI membership. We will be surveying members shortly and we hope to hear back from you.   

If you would like to join the Membership Committee, please reach out and introduce yourself.  

I look forward to sharing more information with you and bringing you more opportunities to connect as the year progresses. 

-Vicki Melucci

Upcoming Institute Events and Happenings

Follow Links for More Information

TPI’s Spring Celebration  

Opening Wine and Cheese Reception at the Institute Saturday, June 1st, 3:00 -6:00pm 

“Engaging the Mystical”: the paintings of Jesse Reichek 


Featuring:  “ART and the PSYCHE”, a gallery talk by Laure Reichek at 4:00pm 


Garden Party and Annual Meeting Sunday, June 2nd, 2:00 – 4:00 pm 

at the home of TPI Exec Director, Jim Brandt  

2324 Blake Street, Berkeley (2 blocks from TPI) 


Opening Dessert Reception at the Institute Sunday, June 2nd, 3:30 – 5:00 pm

“Engaging the Mystical”: the paintings of Jesse Reichek 


Featuring:  “ART as EXPLORATION”, a gallery talk by Laure Reichek at 4:15pm 


CE Classes

Understanding Neurodivergent Clients Saturday, June 8th, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Teresa Currivan, LMFT 

This introductory class explains neurodivergence by describing the various traits of neurodivergence such as ADHD, Gifted and Talented, Sensory Processing Disorders, Autism, and more. It will help clinicians understand how each trait co-occurs to make each neurodivergent individual unique. Tips for working with neurodivergent individuals will be given.  


SPRING SYMPOSIUM Saturday, June 22nd, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Stories of War, Trauma, Survival and Overcoming 

Paula Kliger, PhD and Era A Loewenstein, PhD 

Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of how we can respond to the current state of the world with empathy and understanding. Featuring presentations by Era A. Loewenstein, Ph.D., and Paula Christian Kliger, PhD, this symposium promises to be a transformative experience for all. 

Member-only event   

“Being Together” Saturday, June 29th, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm 

Sandra Gaspar, Sandra Berger, and Eric Bottino 

Join this TPI member- only gathering; a Safe space to talk about brutality, violence, and trauma as a follow up to TPI's Spring Symposium. The group is limited to 12 participants who attended the Spring Symposium and would like to process the day, we encourage you to register here to secure your spot.  

Contribute to Viewpoint 

We encourage contributions to Viewpoint from the TPI Community. 

To submit or plan submissions, contact Executive Director, Jim Brandt 


Viewpoint - June 2024


Viewpoint - April 2024