Community Clinic
Psychotherapy Services

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The Psychotherapy Institute's Community Clinic in Berkeley offers sliding-scale psychotherapy to individual adults and couples. Therapy has no set time limit. Treatment may be long-term and extensive, leading to greater insight and emotional development, or brief and focused on a specific goal.

Individual psychotherapy sessions typically last 50 minutes, with options to meet more than one time per week, depending on the individual clients' needs.

Couples psychotherapy is offered to couples of all kinds: heterosexual, gay/lesbian/bi/transgender, interracial, multicultural, married or unmarried, living together or apart, divorced or separated. Weekly sessions last 50 minutes and address a wide range of issues.

Therapy services are provided in-person and via telehealth.

Clients seek therapy at TPI for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Anxiety, including situational stress, free-floating anxiety, and panic attacks

  • Depression

  • Relationship issues

  • Self-exploration

  • Post-traumatic stress related to traumas, such as sexual abuse

  • Transitions, such as marriage, divorce, and career changes

  • Self-defeating coping styles

  • Grief and loss

The Community Clinic is staffed by therapists who have advanced degrees in psychology, social work, counseling, or related mental health fields and are participating in TPI's Psychotherapy Training Program.

Community Clinic staff work under the close supervision of marriage and family therapists, social workers, psychologists, and physicians. After completing their two-year training, many staff therapists continue working with their clients in private practice, so therapy can continue without interruption.

TPI’s fee for therapy is $160. There is a sliding scale for those who cannot pay the full fee; our lowest fee is $45. Before your first session, you and your therapist will discuss the frequency of meetings, work together to set the appropriate fee for you, and set up convenient payment methods.

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In-person and remote options

Our office is a half-mile south of the University of California at Berkeley campus and only two blocks from public transportation on Shattuck or Telegraph Avenues.

Free parking is available in the lot beneath the building, and the clinic is wheelchair accessible.

Can’t make it in-person? We have telehealth options available.


Questions before getting started?

Check out our
Frequently Asked Questions