Strategic Planning

TPI's Strategic Planning Process 2022-2023

Welcome to the webpage for TPI's Strategic Planning Process. Thank you for your interest and your participation. We hope this newly set up site will help you to be informed, answer questions and help direct you to ways to engage in the process.  We stand together with hopes for TPI to thrive into its next 50 years!

 ~TPI Strategic Planning Committee


Due to many factors, TPI has been in a significant transition phase for several years. Changes in staff, including the retirement of TPI's longtime Clinical Director in 2019, the upcoming retirement of TPI's longtime Executive Director in 2023, the upheaval of the pandemic which began in early 2020, the complex ongoing issues involved in taking up equity and anti-racism and becoming a more diverse and inclusive organization, as well as the changes in the local economy, in volunteerism, and the retirement of a large segment of TPI's dedicated volunteers all created a need, and an opportunity to take stock of where and how TPI needs to change.  Thus the Board decided a Strategic Planning Process was required, and an ad hoc Strategic Planning committee was formed in December 2021. We searched for, interviewed, and selected a consulting firm to help us with the first phase of this process, which should be complete in Spring 2023, though the work and planning, implementing, and assessing progress and needs will be ongoing for the next 3-5 years.

Update March 2023

With gratitude to the Strategic Planning Committee, the Leadership Committee and the Board, we are pleased to present TPI’s Strategic Plan. Click here to view.

Next steps in the process will be mapping implementation.

Update December 2022

Meetings with the Strategic Planning Committee and consultants, a Town Hall in October 2022, a community-wide survey in November 2022, and interviews with key informants in Fall 2022, have been some of the main sources of both getting a detailed overview of where TPI is, and what we need to put in place and change as we move forward. At TPI's 50th Anniversary Celebration we shared an overview/snapshot of findings and a working draft of the mission, vision, and strategic priorities as of December 2, 2022, and invited feedback. In addition, the committee plans to work with the Leadership Committee (formerly LUG - Leadership Umbrella Group) which has chairs from all committees at TPI this December, and the Annual Leadership meeting in January 2023. We are also forming a group to work on the Vision and Mission.

As discussed in the January 2022 President's Update:

The 5 Year Strategic Planning process will call on us to integrate the skills and resources of both carefully selected outside consultants and our vibrant and talented TPI membership. We aim to have TPI members from multiple generations and all parts of our organization participate, both long-time and newer members of our community. The 5-Year Strategic Pre-planning Committee began meeting in December, is meeting twice in January, and will continue for as long as needed while we begin work with a consultant (s) to clarify our process. The group currently consists of a subcommittee of the Board and of DEI Committee members. The Board is delighted that the DEI Committee has decided to focus its efforts on engaging with the 5-Year Strategic Planning process throughout. The DEI committee will be involved along with the Board in selecting the consultant(s) to guide us in our 5 Year Strategic Planning process. Many substantive issues -- economic, cultural, structural, and more -- will be examined, explored, and addressed in this process with the goal of TPI being able to continue to carry forward high quality training, education, services, and networking for many decades into the future. Much has changed since TPI was founded and much has changed in recent times – the high cost of living in the Bay Area, the change in volunteerism, the rise of telehealth and social technology and their specific issues, the need to deeply explore and integrate a wide range of diversity, justice, cultural, equity, and social and historical issues into complex psychodynamic thinking and practice, and the need for a cultural shift within the organization so that everyone who joins us can share in a sense of belonging and agency.

The next year and the next five years can be an exciting time of coming together for deep thinking, challenge, and change. I look forward to embarking on this challenge in collaboration with all of you.

Strategic Planning Committee Members

  • Ting-Ting Shiue, DEI Committee member

  • Alice Robinson, PGTP graduate, past Board member at large, and chair of Curriculum Committee

  • Tobirus Newby, Board member at large, and past TPI BIPOC mentor

  • Joan Monheit, Board Vice president, DEI Committee member & Interim Chair

  • Terri Rubinstein, supervisor, past chair/consultant in SSP, past board president and secretary

  • Lisa Tracy, Board President, PGTP graduate, former chair/co-chair Education Committee

  • K. Sue Duncan, Executive Director

Strategic Planning Original Questions:

To read the Strategic Planning original questions please, click here.  

Snapshot of Findings and Working Draft of Strategic Priorities

To read the working draft of strategic priorities as of December 2022 and a snapshot of findings please, click here.  

Invitation to Join Vision/Mission working group:

As some of you may know from prior events and communications, the strategic planning process includes engaging with and updating our mission/vision statements to reflect our current ethos and aspirations as an organization. We have already received reflections and input from many through the Town Hall and community-wide survey, as well as individual interviews our strategic planning consultants conducted with various members of our community. The Strategic Planning Committee is currently forming a sub-committee to take up crafting mission and vision draft statements that will be shared with the community for review and input before ultimately going to the Board for approval. If you are interested in being a part of this process or have input you have not yet shared and wish to do so, please email the committee.

Contact Strategic Planning Committee:

Please reach out to the Strategic Planning Committee if you would like to be part of the Vision/Mission working group or with additional thoughts, suggestions, and feedback at: