Group Therapy Training Program
TPI’s Group Therapy Training Program Symposium is on April 5, 2025
Incorporating IFS into Interpersonal Group Therapy
with Jay Earley, PhD
The Group Therapy Training Program (GTTP) is a one-year training program offering an in-depth study of the theory and practice of group therapy facilitation. The faculty includes senior group therapists and experts in group psychotherapy from TPI and the larger Bay Area community.
The Group Therapy Training Program (GTTP) at TPI is a program in which to develop an understanding of group dynamics, as well as adding group therapy facilitation to your repertoire of clinical skills. GTTP weaves psychodynamic and group-as-a-whole orientations together, which provide an immersion experience. Group therapy is a highly effective form of treatment that can deepen a clinician's work with individuals and enhance one's practice.
We offer a unique opportunity for group leaders in the San Francisco Bay Area to get excellent group therapy training in one cohesive, year-long training. Our faculty is composed of recognized group therapy experts, many of whom are TPI members. The faculty work closely with leaders in the group therapy field who are members of the Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society (NCGPS). Together, all these skilled clinicians collaborate to provide training in group process, group roles, dynamics, and developmental stages and using group-level methods to provide excellent therapy for group members.
Time Commitment This program is designed to accommodate a busy schedule. Each week, participants spend 1.5 hours in a process learning group and one hour in individual consultation. Seminar courses meet one Saturday per month for a maximum of 5 hours. Training hours in the GTTP can be applied to Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) certification.
Our program looks like this:
Weekly Process Learning Group (PLG) This weekly group experience demonstrates the development of a group from the position of being a group member and, at the same time, learning about group facilitation through the modeling of the leaders. Its purpose is educational because it provides a forum for students to work together on the material being learned and experience being in a group.
This weekly group runs for a year in total and will be led for the first 6 months (Oct 2024-March 2025) by Jamie Moran with a MODERN ANALYTIC group therapy framework. The second 6 months (April 2025-Sep 2025) will be led by Berne Fitzpatrick with an INTERNAL FAMILY SYSTEMS group therapy framework.
This year long process learning group will meet on Thursdays from 11:00am – 12:30 pm via Zoom, beginning on Thursday October 10th, 2024.
Individual Consultation Each person is assigned a personal consultant skilled in individual and group work. The consultant’s role is to provide the necessary support and knowledge to facilitate the student’s learning. A meeting time is set between the consultant and the GTTP student.
Monthly Seminar The three-hour seminars are held on a Saturday morning from 9 am-12 pm (generally the second Saturday of each month) and are led by a different expert each month. Participants receive 3 CE credits, and the topics cover a range of issues such as:
Assessment of individuals for group treatment
Skills and techniques for setting up a group
Unconscious processes underlying a group
Stages in a groups development and techniques in facilitating the progress of these stages
Matters of racial, national, and sexual diversity
Specific theoretical contributions to understanding group work
Use of the self and co-leadership in a group.
Group Development Course (GDC) This monthly group supports participants in developing and maintaining their own groups through readings, vignettes, and group consultation. Topics include "nuts and bolts" elements like marketing, recruitment, assessment, and consultation around clinical issues that arise in groups. The GDC meets on Saturdays, after the monthly Seminar workshops, from 1-2:30 pm. Mary Ann Kassier, LCSW, CGP, and Julia St. George, LCSW, CGP lead the group.
Group Facilitation Experience Each student is encouraged to have hands-on experience facilitating a long-term group while in the program.
The goals of the GTTP are as follows:
Learn the process and tasks of developing groups in private practice as well as organizational settings
Understand the dynamics of groups as a whole and among the members and the functioning of leadership in a group.
Develop the fundamentals and skills of psychodynamic group therapy.
Identify and develop each participant’s unique style of group facilitation.
Obtain experience in the facilitation of a psychotherapy group under supervision.
We invite you to consider applying to the GTTP to broaden your clinical skills and add the pleasures and rewards of group therapy to your professional experience. Let the myriad group experts from TPI and the wider Bay Area collaborate to provide you with experiential, theoretical, and practical training in psychodynamic group therapy facilitation skills.
The 2024/2025 training year has begun. The next training cohort will begin Fall 2025. The Application deadline is June 2, 2025
GTTP Information Meeting
The information meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 4, 2025 from 5:00-6:15 pm PST, via zoom. Click here to RSVP.
Application and Admissions
Access the application and admission procedures here