
Committees are the lifeblood of the Institute and play a key role in the organization. Each committee meets monthly and all TPI members are welcome and encouraged to participate on a committee.

Below is a list of our various committees and a link to their description and committee members.  If there is a committee that you are interested in joining, contact the committee chair to find out more about attending the next meeting. Please note you must be a TPI Supervisor to participate on either the Supervisor or Supervision Study Program (SSP) committee.

If you would like to talk more about the committees at TPI, please contact James Brandt, the Executive Director, at 510-548-4407 or at

To learn more about each committee's purpose and when they meet, click on them below.

  • The Board meets the second Friday of each month from 4pm to 6pm at TPI.  All Board meetings are open to TPI members. If you plan to attend, please let the president know ahead of time.  


    President: Kyra Peyton
    Vice-President: Miriam Barraza
    Secretary: David Leong
    Treasurer: OPEN
    Board Development Chair: Coecillia Zazove
    Past President: Lisa Tracy


    Bita Azizi
    Beverly Burch
    Easa Camorongan
    Judy Margulis
    Vicki Melucci
    Claire Shifren

    Ex Officio

    James Brandt, Executive Director

    We believe that The Psychotherapy Institute is unique in providing a setting for clinicians from many disciplines and orientations to find common ground and a professional home.

  • Evaluates leadership needs of the board, promotes diversity, and recruits and mentors potential Board members. The Committee includes 3 Board and 2 non-Board members.

    Committee Members:

    Coecillia Zazove

  • Oversees the maintenance and improvement of the Institute’s building and property.

    Committee Members:


  • The Clinical Services Committee sets policies related to the Community Clinic and the Psychotherapy Training Program (PTP), assuring that the program follows legal and ethical requirements for training and provision of psychological care. Tasks include updating the Clinic referral list, reviewing screening and intake processes, setting fee schedule, and recruiting students and faculty. The committee is responsible for the Launching Series each year.  

    Meeting Da& Time

    The third Thursday of the month, 11:30 am to 12:50 pm


    Christie Barringer
    Susan Berger
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director
    Rachel Jenkins-Stevens, Chair
    Gabe Raff

    If interested in joining the Clinical Services Committee, email the committee chair, Rachel Jenkins-Stevens,

  • The Curriculum Committee organizes the Didactic program for the Psychotherapy Training Program (PTP). One year, the curriculum focuses on Psychodynamic Theory; the following year, the curriculum focuses on Clinical Interventions. The committee assists the Associate Director in setting course offerings, recruiting instructors, providing instructor feedback, and integrating socio-cultural theory.  

    Meeting Day & Time

    The 4th Monday of the month, 12:10 pm to 1:30 pm.


    Alice DiGiorgio
    Sarah McCartney
    Sharon Jones Nelson, Staff Therapist
    Noah Oderberg
    Alice Robinson, Chair
    Julie Stroud, Staff Therapist
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director

    If interested in joining the Curriculum Committee, email the Chair, Alice Robinson,

  • Oversees and plans all TPI fundraising activities including TPI’s Annual Fund campaign, Legacy giving program, and fundraising events and programs throughout the year.

    Committee Members:

    Leslie Bell, Chair
    Gabe Raff
    Bill Reiss
    James Brandt, Executive Director

  • Committee Mission

    The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) is the advisory body for the Institute’s development and implementation of policies related to power, privilege, and belonging. The Committee addresses diversity issues, including but not limited to issues relating to race, class, ableism, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation in the Institute community and the provision of psychological services.

    Meeting Date & Time

    4th Friday of each month from 1-2:15 pm - first meeting in Fall 2023 on 10/27.  

    Committee Members:

    Eric Bottino, Co-Chair,
    Ting-Ting Shiue, Co-Chair,
    Easa Camorongan
    Rachel Rokach
    Christi Baker, Staff Therapist Representative
    Naomi Schiesel, Staff Therapist Representative
    James Brandt, Executive Director

    History of DEI

    Dialogues on Difference



    Link to examples of class micro aggressions

    Link to examples of racial micro aggressions

    Link to examples of LGBTQQI micro aggressions

    Video of the "I Am Harvard" project

    Diversity Bibliography

    Download the Diversity Bibliography (compiled in 2014).

  • Supports the Institute’s continuing education (CE) program by inviting instructors to deliver CE classes, symposia and other educational events offered to Institute members and the larger clinical community. The committee is responsible for meeting the requirements of the Board of Behavioral Sciences and the Board of Psychology in developing and monitoring educational offerings.

    Meeting Date & Time

    The 2nd Monday of the month, 12pm – 1:30pm


    Beth Pasqualina, Chair
    James Brandt, Executive Director
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director
    Sierra Wilson, Administrative Coordinator

    If interested in joining the Education Committee or have a referral for a possible Instructor, email the chair, Beth Pasqualina,

  • The Group Therapy Training Program Committee supports the Group Therapy Training Program (GTTP). The committee oversees the GTTP training in group therapy and determines the didactic and experiential content of the program.  

    Meeting Date and Time

    The 1st Wednesday of the month, 9:50-10:50 am


    Duncan Bennett, Co-Chair
    Mary Ann Kassier, Co-Chair
    Berne Fitzpatrick
    Jamie Moran
    Julia St. George
    Betty Tharpe
    Liz Welton
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director

    If interested in joining the GTTP Committee, email the Co-Chairs, Mary Ann Kassier, Duncan Bennett

  • The Leadership Committee consists of the chairs of TPI committees and the Directors of the Institute. Its purpose is to facilitate the coordination of the Institute’s training programs and community clinic.

    Meeting Date and Time:

    The 3rd Friday of the month, 11am - 12:15pm


    Duncan Bennett, Group Therapy Training Program Committee
    Eric Bottino, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
    James Brandt, Executive Director
    Debra Gajer, Supervision Study Program
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director
    Shira Luft, Supervisors Committee, Chair
    Whitney van Nouhuys, Supervision Study Program Committee
    Alice Robinson, Curriculum Committee
    Rachel Jenkins-Stevens, Clinical Services Committee
    Beth Pasqualina, Education Committee

  • Oversees and runs programs for TPI members and conducts activities to recruit and retain membership.

    Committee Members:

    Vicki Melucci

  • Reviews the performance of the Executive Director. Committee members shall represent the Institute’s major constituencies.

    Committee Members:

    Miriam Barraza, Chair

  • Supports the Psychotherapy Training Program (PTP) and assists the Associate Director to develop, oversee, evaluate, and communicate policies and standards for clinical supervision. The committee is responsible for supervisor selection and accountability and providing learning opportunities for supervisors. The committee participates in conflict resolution regarding the supervisory process including problems involving particular supervisors. (You must be a TPI supervisor to participate on this committee.)

    Meeting Date and Time

    The 1st Friday of the month, 1:15 pm -2:25 pm.


    Shira Luft, Chair
    Laura Goldberger
    Rachel Licitra
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director

    If interested in becoming a TPI supervisor and joining the committee email the Co-Chair, Shira Luft

  • Oversees, supports, and evaluates the Supervision Training Program (STP) and ensures that the STP conforms to Institute policy, the highest standards of professional practice, and applicable laws and regulations. (You must be a TPI supervisor to serve on this committee.)

    Meeting Date and Time

    The 4th Wednesday of the month, 6:45-7:45 pm.


    Debra Gajer, Co-chair
    Whitney van Nouhuys, Co-chair
    Amy Lawrence
    Marla Lev
    Caroline McDowell
    Noreen O'Brien
    Rainbow Schwartz
    Cara Zeisloft
    Sandra Gaspar, Associate Director

    If interested in becoming an SSP consultant and joining the committee email the Co-Chairs, Whitney van Nouhuys,; Debra Gajer,