Supervision Training Program

"It is hard for me to believe how much I have learned. I came into this program in a career doldrums. I was feeling isolated in my practice and under stimulated with the work. This program has challenged me and supported my learning throughout. Pushing me not to, accept what I am comfortable with allowing for my self. This has been such a gift. I have been constantly grateful to be surrounded by such wise, gifted, brilliant and loving people."

Emily Johnson, LCSW


"My SSP experience was transformational. Working closely within a small group of experienced colleagues and with the guidance and support of my trusted consultants, the SSP provided a solid container within which I could enter into that undoing experience of being a 'new learner' again. For me the SSP was the perfect blend of intellectual challenge around learning about relational supervision combined with the invitation to work through the emerging personal and interpersonal issues that came up in the training. I came away from the SSP with a much fuller sense of knowing myself as therapist and as supervisor and with a deepened confidence in my abilities to do this work. I feel tremendous gratitude to TPI for offering this program."

Jennifer Sterling, LMFT


"I had already been providing 'good enough' supervision for about fifteen years when I entered the SSP program. Through the depth and multidimensionality of the program, I felt that I took a quantum leap as a supervisor. The readings, peer support, and individual and group supervision were uplifting and invaluable. The SSP's relational/intersubjective approach to supervision is brilliant, and I hope that one day it will be standard fare for all supervisors."

Pete Walker, LMFT


"Spending two years studying in-depth what it means for a supervisor and supervisee to aspire to bring themselves as fully as possible to the complex and rich task of exploring the unconscious, in the service of alleviating suffering and promoting growth, has been an incredible opportunity for me. I have so much gratitude for my consultants, instructors, and supervisees, and for the SSP as a whole."

Amy Glick, LMFT